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Eleanor Frederic-Humphrey

Ensemble Blog

Eleanor Frederic-Humphrey

Shannon Flaherty

Eleanor Frederic-Humphrey is an actor, creative arts educator, and all-around lover of crafts. As an actor, she loves to portray playful, surprising characters in stories that need to be told right now; and she holds a particular passion for performing for young audiences. Her most recent performance work includes: Goat in the Schools (Goat in the Road Productions), A Christmas Carol (Crescent City Stage), The Defiance of Dandelions (No Dream Deferred NOLA), Junie B’s Essential Survival Guide to School (TheaterWorks USA), and Pete the Cat (TheaterWorks USA). Offstage she teaches theater and playwriting to young people for Goat in the Road Productions, a New Orleans-based theatre company.