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Richon May

Ensemble Blog

Richon May

Shannon Flaherty

Richon May Wallace is a proud native New Orleanian that teaches young actors how to trust themselves and play boldly and freely through the art of theater making. She produced and directed various self written children’s plays, which has taught her to purposefully plan, yet remain flexible for changes. Training younger students also has helped her keep a positive outlook and fresh perspective, as it pertains to approaching the work in the creative process.

Through her work with Goat in the Road, she continues to teach young students as a teaching artist in their educational program, Play/Write; and, brings her optimistic approach and viewpoints as a creative producer. Richon feels grateful to be a part of the Goat in the Road team because of the company's values and mission to educate the community they serve with rich historical work, which has inspired her to appreciate the place she is from, as well as the people who live here in New Orleans.