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KC Simms

Ensemble Blog

KC Simms

Shannon Flaherty

Kc Simms is a actor, director and proud member of the Goat in the Road ensemble. He has been featured in The Advocate and Offbeat magazine For his work on the Documentary “We The Future” and “Do you Love Me?” as co-Director alongside Maison Harris. As a graduate of The University of New Orleans Film School, he’s had a diverse range of experiences in front of and behind the camera, as well as on stage in such productions as The Old Man in Fool For Love (University of New Orleans), Dev in Stupid F*cking Bird (University of New Orleans), Mercutio in Romeo and Juliet (University of New Orleans), Orlando in As You Like It (New Orleans Shakespeare Festival), and Isaac in Goat in the Road’s immersive show The Family Line. Kc is so proud to be apart the Goat in the Road family and is eager to continue telling meaningful stories.