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Will Bowling

Ensemble Blog

Will Bowling

Shannon Flaherty

Will Bowling is a writer, performer and musician based in Laramie, Wyoming. He is Goat In The Road’s Co-Founding Artistic Director, and engaged ensemble member from afar. He has co-written and performed in GRP's Whatever Just Happened..., The Meese Papers, Our Man, and Instant Misunderstanding, performed in Foreign To Myself,  and has composed original scores for GRP's Calculus of Hope, Major Swelling's Salvation Salve Medicine Show, The Don Effect, and The Future is a Fancyland Place. Will moved to Wyoming in 2021 and is currently the Director of Education for the Laramie based theater company, Relative Theatrics, where he has adapted GRP’s flagship education program, Play/Write, for Wyoming public schools.